Friday, August 14, 2015

Innovation is happening here, come and join us….

The United Nations Thematic Think Piece that defines the Post 2015 global development agenda recognizes science, technology and innovation (STI) as essential in the promotion of sustainable and inclusive socio-economic development. The Post 2015 Development Agenda states that, “Access to new and appropriate technologies promote steady improvements in living conditions, which can be lifesaving for the most vulnerable populations, and drive productivity gains which ensure rising income.”

The emerging agenda states that innovation driven growth is no longer the prerogative of high income countries alone and observes that some developing countries have achieved significant economic growth through the creation and deployment of STI capacity.  However, this has not been the case for all countries, especially the least developed countries which require dedicated support to bolster their efforts to build STI capacity. The agenda emphasizes the importance of integrating STI into public policy goals, giving particular focus to the nexus between STI, culture, education and development.

The ongoing STI commemoration month initiated by the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Science and Technology Ministers is a commitment to building innovation capacity that creates a vibrant science, technology and innovation ecosystem in the region. The Ministers observed that awareness in science and technology is very low in the region and acknowledged the importance of technology and innovation for catch up socio-economic growth and competitiveness. They resolved to make, “STI more participatory and inclusive so that there is public engagement in the scientific endeavor from the full spectrum of social actors, including women, young people and indigenous communities.”

In Botswana, the inaugural STI commemoration month is driven by the Ministry of Infrastructure, Science and Technology (MIST) and was launched by Hon. Nonofo Molefhi on 4th August, 2015 in Gaborone. The ministry has partnered with the Department of Research, Science and Technology (DTRS), Botswana Institute for Technology, Research and Innovation (BITRI) and Botswana Innovation Hub to commemorate the STI Month with a series of activities lined up to build awareness and nurture interest in science, technology and innovation as well as encourage investment in research and development (R&D). 

STI are recognized as the vehicle which drives successful economies cross the world. However, it is estimated that developing countries expenditure in R&D accounts for less than 1% of GDP compared to 3% in developed countries. Locally, the revised Research Science Technology and Innovation Policy of 2011 supports an increase of 2% of the GDP in R&D investment. It is widely acknowledged that increased public awareness and private sector participation in science, technology and innovation provides an incentive for business enterprises and governments to invest in R&D.

Botswana Innovation Hub will host the Innovation Vendor Day and Exhibition on Tuesday 18th August, 2015 at the Botswana Innovation Hub Science and Technology Park as part of the STI Month initiative. The Innovation Vendor Day is a technology and innovation exhibition that celebrates local innovations, builds awareness and promotes the uptake of local technologies by key users. The exhibition is intended to increase public awareness and private sector participation in science, technology and innovation by showcasing national innovations, especially those emanating from Botswana Innovation Hub registered companies and companies registered with the Botswana Innovation Hub’s technology entrepreneurship development programme, First Steps Venture Centre (FSVC). 

The daylong event comprises of exhibitions, panel discussions, pitch sessions and guided tours of the park for potential tenancy clients and those looking for land to develop. The panel discussion titled, “Are Botswana Innovations Fundable?” responds to prevailing concerns where local innovators struggle to secure funding from commercial banks and the absence of local Venture Capitalists, Private Equity Investors and Angel Investors.

By hosting the event at the Science and Technology Park, the Botswana Innovation Hub accords stakeholders the opportunity to appreciate progress on its development. The Science and Technology Park is strategically located on a 57 hector site, near the Sir Seretse Kham International Airport and adjacent to the Diamond Technology Park in Gaborone’s Special Economic Zone (SEZ) development node of Block 8 area. The Park is an ideal location for technology-driven and knowledge-intensive businesses to establish themselves, develop and compete in the region and global markets.

Construction of the parks Icon Building commenced in August 2014 and is scheduled to be completed in July 2016 in line to be commissioned as part of the country’s 50th anniversary of Independence celebrations on 30th September, 2016. The parks construction is a major national project that represents a significant investment in the country’s infrastructure development. Its central buildings are a world class, iconic masterpiece of architecture whose designs won the 2013 Auto Desk Design Awards. 

With 24,000m2 of commercial development space, the Icon Building will house both local and international innovative businesses and institutions thereby creating a network that fosters entrepreneurship, technology transfer, and innovation. On completion, the Science and Technology Park will offer high quality road infrastructure, street lightening as well as uninterrupted water, power and ICT connectivity. In addition to creating jobs, the Icon Building tenants will create other spin-off benefits that will spur economic growth. Prospective clients and the public will be able to appreciate progress on construction of the state-of-the-art buildings and facilities.

The Innovation Vendor Day will also accord Botswana Innovation Hub the opportunity to disseminate information on its innovation support programmes. The company currently has five innovation support programmes that foster entrepreneurship, enhance innovation capacity, create job opportunities, and contribute towards diversifying the economy and moving the country towards a knowledge-based economy. Programmes currently running are Microsoft Innovation Centre (MIC), Southern African Innovation Support Programme (SAiS), Technology Transfer Office, FSVC, Clean-Tech Centre and Cyber City Kgotla. These programmes are accessible to individual and institutional clients from the public and private sector and are aimed at fostering collaboration between academia, business and government in designated priority economic sectors.

The Innovation Vendor Day is a celebration of the very best home grown innovations that also promises to be an engaging and informative platform that builds awareness and nurtures interest in science, technology and innovation. Botswana Innovation Hub, the home of innovation welcomes the public to the inaugural Innovation Vendor Day. Innovation is happening here, come and join us……